Did you relocate to Vermont?

We know it can take a little time to get settled and meet people, but one of the many great things about Vermont is how friendly its residents are. Whether you’re looking for your town clerk’s office, the library, the post office, or the community center, there’s plenty of folks who’ll be happy to point you toward the building where all four can be found (kidding, mostly).

We happen to know a few enthusiastic locals who, in addition to directing you to the best restaurants and outdoor recreation, could 100% moonlight as writers. We’ll be posting these updates on our blog each month and hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Sign up to receive a Green Mountain welcome or register as a host to help welcome newcomers!


News & Happenings

Brattleboro Area Community Events Calendar: Find virtual and socially distant events—or post your own—for the southeast corner of Vermont

The Shires of Vermont Community Calendar: Up-to-date listings for the happenings in southwestern Vermont

Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation Events and Trainings: Looking to start a business or apply for a grant? Looking to connect with other young professionals in the area? Our events and trainings are a great place to start!

Southwestern Vermont Chamber of Commerce Events: All chamber-related events, from the Winter Homebrew Festival and the Bennington Battle Day Celebration to B2B Business Golf Tournament and Restaurant Week– You’ll find it all here!


Looking for more Community Resources?

Check out our Welcome Page to learn more about how you can start a business in Vermont, meet people, and find things to do!

Learn more or contact us!
