Move to Southern Vermont
Have you considered becoming a Vermonter?
Whether you’re captivated by the spectacular scenery and artsy vibes in the small town package or just love Bernie and his mittens and want to see what all the fuss is about, we’re here for it.

Each month, we highlight some Vermonty goings on … with plenty of pictures. Get a breath of fresh air in your inbox!
Check out past emails here.
Make Your Move to Southern Vermont
Maybe you’re already sold and just aren’t quite sure where to begin. We can help!
SoVermont’s GROW program can help you gather the information you need and make connections with realtors, employers, and community resources in Southern Vermont.
We can provide support whether you’re just planning a scouting trip or have the moving truck packed and ready. Use the “Connect with a Vermonter” form below to tell us a little about yourself, and we’ll reach out with handy suggestions.
What Happens After I Relocate to Vermont?
Visit our welcome page to learn about how you can get involved, connect with your neighbors, start a business, or just generally make the most of life in Southern Vermont!

“…The small scale means you make connections fast. You can have a real impact here.”
Michelle, Incubator Director

“What’s ’SoVermont’? It’s that people have been “So” welcoming to this Southerner who loves winter and loves the snow.”
Forest, Rescue Squad Director

”Rural lifestyle plus this unbelievable mix of people and things going on. I left city life and never looked back – we eat better food, see more music, spend more time outdoors and less time in traffic.”
Zirwat, Community Development Director

“You don’t see a lot of locally focused businesses like ours any more in the rest of the country. We make a real difference because we are committed to our community.”
Josh, Financial Advisor

“People who join my team seeking the same things that brought me here – a challenging and meaningful job in a place with incomparable quality of life.”
Michael, Tech CEO

“I moved back to Vermont where I grew up, and joined a small local firm doing work similar to what I was doing in the city. I’ve had more chances to learn, be mentored, to advance and become a leader in our company’s growth, and raise a family in a place we are connected to.”
Skye, Investment Director

”It can be intimidating to move here and the internet doesn’t have all the answers. Ask a Vermonter – we love to help. Personal relationships are how we do things here.”
Kayla, Family Advocate

”My kid can play outdoors for hours, we can live in a community where people know one another, and I get to work with the absolute best people in my field, anywhere. That’s SoVermont. Being here is a dream come true.”
Jamie, Circus Academy Director