March is …
Invite a New Vermonter to Dinner Month
Folks move to Vermont from all across the U.S., and the end of their first winter or two can be especially challenging. Help a newcomer survive the March doldrums and take them out for a meal. If you’re in Windham County, the GROW SoVermont welcome wagon will chip in!
Invite a new Vermonter you already know, or we’ll match you with someone in your area.
(And if you’re new yourself, we’d love to match you with a local host!)
- GROW SoVermont will reimburse local hosts (folks who’ve lived in Windham County more than 2 years) for hosting a meal at your home or taking newcomers out to eat. Reimbursements will be up to $50 for hosting an individual, $100 for hosting a couple, and $150 for hosting a family.
- o be eligible for reimbursement, we need both you and the newcomer to sign up (or we can match you with a newcomer who’s already signed up).
- “Newcomers” are defined as folks who have moved (or returned) to Vermont within the last 2 years.
- You can request reimbursement by uploading a receipt and a meal selfie. The receipt must be itemized and not include any alcohol purchases.
- This initiative is part of GROW SoVermont’s work in Windham County to help new and returning Vermonters find community and is funded by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development.
- Thank you for helping welcome our new neighbors!
More Resources for Newcomers
Sign up for our monthly(ish) GROW SoVermont newsletter for new and returning Vermonters. We’ll give you …
- Details for upcoming newcomers events
- Alerts on local events you don’t want to miss (Guilford Turnip Festival? Townshend Pickle Day??)
- Tips for living your best Vermont life (your town clerk is your friend, and yes, you need snow tires, even if you have an SUV)
Not here yet?
You know you want to move here, but you’re just not here yet . No worries, we’re glad to help!